Pretty Chuffed, November 28th 2012

Pretty Chuffed

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Kris Kringle With a Conscience!

A few girlfriends and I have recently decided to do a Secret Santa among us - a perfect way for us to reduce our usual pressie spending spree while having a bit of fun, and still showering each other with gifts! Our only rules are: 1. It has to be under $30 and 2. It must fit into a clutch bag (so we don't have to lug around our gifts all night after our Christmas party!)

My thoughts turned to jewellery (of course!) and what girl doesn't love a bit of sparkly costume jewellery? It's the perfect way to perk up an old outfit, or throw it on with a black dress for a work Christmas party and you'll be perfectly dressed to continue afterwards at cocktail hour!

However, I don't want to buy her any old thing, and I know she also likes gifts with a meaning, with substance. So, where to find!?! 

Well my pretties, today, a miracle has occured. I have stumbled across a new online jewellery website, First Sin. Based in Sydney, First Sin offers gorgeous jewellery with a conscience - it donates 5% of every purchase to various charities - including Lifeline, the Cancer Council and the AIDS Trust. (And with free standard shipping in!)

I think I've found the perfect gift (shh don't tell!) - I just have to choose between these three gorgeous danglers! J xx:


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